Financing specialists
Noting that persons wishing to acquire real estate are often powerless in the face of the complexity of the mortgage market and the opacity of the rules for the granting of credit, Vanessa Pascal Trallero founded in 2013
VP Conseils, in order to share their skills and simplify the process for their clients.
Our company is active throughout the French-speaking Switzerland (in the cantons of Geneva, Vaud and Fribourg) and has already been able to celebrate the success of many customers. The reasons for this are fairly obvious infatuation. VP Conseils offers customized service and totally personalized to the needs of each buyer. You are discharged from appointments with Banks and Insurance and the various questions asked to you. Thereafter we decrypt for you all the administrative documents required in the buying process.
VP Conseils ensures total confidentiality and monitoring, and guide you during your interview to finalize the financing from the partner you choose. In brief, our response let you quickly understand your financing options, prepare a suitable folder, make a bid for your situation and go through the different steps more calmly.
“Un conseil aimable, personnalisé, rapide, efficace et avantageux! Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir été dirigés vers VP Conseils, que nous recommandons à notre tour.”
“Nous avons fait appel à VP Conseils pour nous guider dans le choix de la meilleure solution de financement pour notre appartement. Outre les nombreux conseils, sur la construction du financement, nous avons pu bénéficier d’un avis objectif et impartial et cela nous a permis d’économiser du temps et de l’énergie pour un résultat probablement meilleur que si nous avions discuté directement avec les établissements financiers. Nous ne pouvons que recommander le professionnalisme et la disponibilité de ce spécialiste.”
“VP Conseils nous apporte une véritable plus-value dans l’analyse préalable des demandes, leur présentation selon nos normes et l’accompagnement des clients lors de la signature de contrats. Nous gagnons ainsi du temps et travaillons de manière plus efficace, ceci nous permet de prendre plus vite position.”
A happy customer is a real success for us
A happy customer is a real success for us
With VP Conseils, we will show you a simple and understandable way.
You can tell us everything, confidentiality is guaranteed. Moreover, the process runs seamlessly.
Optimal solution
Our goal is to find the optimum solution.
About us
Dynamism and professionalism
Vanessa Trallero
Specialist in real estate financing,
intermediate certified insurance AFA
Active in banking, first in France and then in Switzerland, she worked in two real estate financing structures in western Switzerland before co-founding VP Conseils in 2013. She has continued to strengthen its reputation with brokers and customers in the area.
To best meet customer expectations in terms of individual insurance, Vanessa took courses and passed the examination of intermediate certified insurance.
She has an ability to put herself in the customer’s situation and to respond clearly and precisely to the many questions that arise during the research funding process. At the end, everything seems simple, the customer can be happy to live in it’s future home leaving aside red tape.
“A problem without a solution is ill-posed problem.”
Albert Einstein
Pascal Trallero
Specialist in real estate financing
He worked for over 25 years in the field of financing with several banks located in western Switzerland, and co-founded VP Conseils in 2013 to gain independence. Good connoisseur of the regional market, he is in close contact with the actors of the real estate market.
Always listening to customer expectations, he speaks their language, and translated their expectations and standards for financial partners. He seeks for them solutions, from the most traditional to the most complex. He likes to point out that each success helps strengthen the “win-win” relationship between the seller, the broker, the buyer, the financial partner and VP Conseils.
“Entrepreneurship is to change an existing order”
Jospeh Schlumpeter (American economist)
Vanessa Trallero
Specialist in real estate financing,
intermediate certified insurance AFA
Active in banking, first in France and then in Switzerland, she worked in two real estate financing structures in western Switzerland before co-founding VP Conseils in 2013. She has continued to strengthen its reputation with brokers and customers in the area.
To best meet customer expectations in terms of individual insurance, Vanessa took courses and passed the examination of intermediate certified insurance.
She has an ability to put herself in the customer’s situation and to respond clearly and precisely to the many questions that arise during the research funding process. At the end, everything seems simple, the customer can be happy to live in it’s future home leaving aside red tape.
“A problem without a solution is ill-posed problem.”
Albert Einstein
Pascal Trallero
Specialist in real estate financing
He worked for over 25 years in the field of financing with several banks located in western Switzerland, and co-founded VP Conseils in 2013 to gain independence. Good connoisseur of the regional market, he is in close contact with the actors of the real estate market.
Always listening to customer expectations, he speaks their language, and translated their expectations and standards for financial partners. He seeks for them solutions, from the most traditional to the most complex. He likes to point out that each success helps strengthen the “win-win” relationship between the seller, the broker, the buyer, the financial partner and VP Conseils.
“Entrepreneurship is to change an existing order”
Jospeh Schlumpeter (American economist)